May 2, 2005 |
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Bill that Would
Gut Voter-Approved Treatment instead
of Incarceration Initiative (Prop.
36) Back in Committee
by Addiction Experts, Bill Would Overrule
Public by Jailing Non-Violent Drug
Offenders |
Contact: Glenn
Backes (916) 202-253 or Simeon Gant
(916) 202-1636 |
Despite a legal opinion
from the Legislatures own attorneys
that her bill would be in violation of the
State Constitution, Senator Denise Ducheny
of San Diego intends to bring the bill,
SB 803, to the Senate Public Safety Committee
Tuesday morning. It would radically overhaul
Prop. 36, the treatment instead of incarceration
initiative passed in 2000, by jailing drug
addicts who are being treated as a result
of that initiative. The bill was originally
scheduled to be heard about two weeks ago.
Its an attempt
by politicians, prosecutors and cops to
overturn the will of the people,
said Bill Zimmerman of Campaign for New
Drug Policies, who led the campaign for
Prop. 36. For thirty plus years
DAs have crammed drug users into cells,
and had their way in the legislature.
They still cant accept that the
voters said its time to handle drug
problems differently.
Proposition 36 passed
with 61% of the vote in 2000. It provides
that nonviolent offenders convicted of
drug possession for a first or second
time would be offered drug treatment rather
than prison. According to an evaluation
by UCLA, over 10,000 people a year complete
drug treatment through Prop. 36.
However, drug court judges
and police groups that opposed the initiative
in 2000 continue to seek ways to rewrite
the law. In the last year they convened
meetings to draft a bill that would radically
change the way Prop. 36 works. Their draft
became the basis for SB 803, which would:
- Allow for indeterminate
Three Strike sentences of
25-years-to-life for nonviolent drug
possession offenders who currently qualify
for treatment;
- Add jail penalties
of 2-to-30 days for missed appointments,
positive drug tests or other signs of
noncompliance. Opponents of the bill
say that this will drive up county incarceration
costs by almost $29 million, and may
necessitate the early release of more
dangerous offenders;
- Limit the number of
individuals and families that benefit
from drug treatment, literacy training
and family counseling. Those excluded
would be sent to state prison.
Legislative Counsel
Found that Adding Jail Days Would Violate
the California Constitution
On April 18, Legislative
Counsel delivered an opinion to the office
of Senator Ducheny that stated that adding
jail time to Prop. 36 would not
both further the initiative statute and
be consistent with its purposes. Therefore
the legislation could not take effect
without voter approval pursuant to subdivision
(c) of Section 10 of Article II of the
California Constitution.
Treatment Retention
and Completion Rates in Prop. 36 are Equal
to those of Drug Courts
Duchenys stated
rationale for increased punishment is
to improve treatment outcomes and prevent
future drug use. However, independent
studies find no difference in the success
rates of Prop. 36 defendants and those
in drug courts, despite the fact that
Prop. 36 is treating tens of thousands
more defendants, and that the average
Prop. 36 defendant has been using drugs
for a much longer period. Before Prop.
36 took effect, drug court completion
rates varied widely, from 11% to 61%,
depending on the county. The largest study
of a California drug court, Alameda County's
program, showed a 36% completion rate.
The independent evaluation of Prop.36
by UCLA found approximately the same rate
of completion (34.4%) among the over 30,000
participants in its first year of implementation.
We will highlight
the science in committee, said Glenn
Backes, health policy director for Drug
Policy Alliance. The pretense of
improving outcomes is just a cover for
the same old lock em up mentality.
There is no evidence that cruelty is going
to reduce future drug use.
Who will be Released
to Make Room for Prop. 36 Probationers?
At least 17 California
counties (including Los Angeles) are subject
to population caps on their jails. By
federal court order, they must release
a prisoner every time they bring a new
person into custody. Although each county
has its own criteria for early release,
it appears likely that those convicted
of spousal abuse or drunk driving might
be among those whose sentences would be
shortened to make room for drug users
incarcerated as a result of SB 803. Who
will be released? This is the insanity
of drug war thinking at its worst,
said Backes. This bill would release
those convicted of a violent crime early
to make room for a nonviolent drug user.
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