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March 25, 2025

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The Substance Abuse and Crime Prevention Act, also known as Proposition 36, was passed by 61% of California voters on November 7, 2000. This vote permanently changed state law to allow first- and second-time nonviolent, simple drug possession offenders the opportunity to receive substance abuse treatment instead of incarceration. Proposition 36 went into effect on July 1, 2001, with $120 million for treatment services allocated annually for five years. [more]

Proposition 36 Programs Remain – Funding In Doubt

On November 4, Californians failed to pass Proposition 5, the Nonviolent Offender Rehabilitation Act (NORA), which would have significantly expanded treatment-instead-of-incarceration in the state – including Proposition 36. What does the failure of Prop. 5 mean? It means that Prop. 36 remains the state’s largest treatment-not-jail program, and that protecting its funding is more important than ever. [More]

Gov Proposes Alcohol Tax to Fund Treatment

Just weeks after finally reaching agreement on a 2008-09 state budget (and just two days after the state went to the polls), the governor proposed an ambitious plan to keep the state afloat. The plan combines spending cuts and tax increases – including an increase in excise taxes on alcoholic beverages. [More]

Seven Years Later: California's Prop. 36

Check out this great poster that sums up just some of what Prop 36 has meant for California in the last eight years! Download it and share it!