Untitled Document
Forever Making
a Difference
California’s treatment-instead-of-incarceration
law, Prop 36, has helped
over 140,000 people enter
drug treatment since it
came into effect in 2001.
In the same five-year period,
the program has saved taxpayers
between $800 million and
$1.3 billion, according
to independent research
conducted by UCLA and the
Justice Policy Institute.
On July 1 2006, initial
funding of Prop 36 drug
treatment ends. The Governor
and Legislature are now
debating the refunding of
Prop 36 drug treatment.
Despite its success, the
future of Prop 36 is uncertain.
In this commentary,
Oliver H, a Prop 36 grad
from San Diego, talks about
the wide-reaching impact
of Prop 36 and why the cost
and life savings that result
from the program will continue
to grow…
Prop 36 is changing more
than just the people, like
me, that finish the program.
For the bigger picture of
how Prop 36 works, we have
to look beyond graduation
day. First, Prop 36 makes
us grads into positive members
of the COMMUNITY. As we
Prop 36 grads become productive
members of society again,
maybe even for the first
time, we become hard working.
By paying taxes we will
be giving back to our local
communities and to the state
of California. We are also
law abiding. For some of
us, this is the first time
we are actually a plus for
the neighborhoods we live
Second, we keep GIVING
grads often go back to our
respective recovery homes
or outpatient facilities,
letting others still in
the program know that life
on the other side is wonderful!
As alumni, the most important
thing is to give back, helping
those who cannot yet help
themselves. It keeps me
"clean and green",
meaning that it keeps fresh
in my mind just what it
was like for me. I wish
that kind of pain and suffering
on no one. You can always
hear about how people have
turned their lives around,
but people actively in Prop
36 need to see just how
successful we grads are!
I know for me when I go
back to my house I always
go back to the dorm, to
rub the bedpost where I
lay lost and confused, not
knowing if I’d make
it through all the pain
and hard work that was ahead
of me.
Then, last but not least,
we have OUR FUTURE. After
treatment and aftercare
we as graduates take what
we have learned, go back
to our families and loved
ones, and educate them.
Teaching our children and
grandchildren the advantages
of living a clean and sober
life, instead of the self-destruction
and horrors of alcohol and
drug addiction! My family
is small, but I have two
grandchildren and a niece
who’ve never seen me
intoxicated or loaded on
drugs. I'm always reminding
them that I’ve done
all the research on this
subject, and that there’s
nothing out there when it
comes to this kind of life
style! If our children and
grandchildren are talked
to enough, educated enough
about the personal failures
and consequences behind
the use of drugs and alcohol
it will make it much harder
for this disease to find
new recruits.
So I encourage everyone
to stop for a minute and
think just how far the cost
for one person going through
Prop 36 really goes. To
put it simply, you take
a minor-case drug offender,
divert them from prison
to treatment, and give them
the tools they need to turn
their life around. You help
them find the faith and
courage it takes to walk
down a new avenue, one of
change and hope! Now that’s
Prop 36 and that’s