Gary McNeil
Gary M. used drugs for
30 years before he was able
to turn around his life
when he was offered Prop
36 in the beginning of August
of 2002. Gary lost job after
job, lost his home and was
living in a tent in a canyon
when he was picked up on
a possession charges and
offered the choice between
years in prison and treatment
in Prop 36.
Gary was 47 when he entered
Prop 36. After attending
a residential program, he
joined a twelve step program
and now is a regular service
member. He had the opportunity
to move in with his daughter
and meet his grandchildren
for the first time. He graduated
from Prop 36 in February
of 2003.
Gary is a firm believer
in Prop 36 and says that
many clients who enter face
the difficulty of mental
health problems. He traces
his own drug use to self-medicating
for painful experiences
early in his life.
"Before I entered Prop
36 I never saw my family
during the holidays. Yesterday
I bought toys for my grandchildren.
I am now a productive member
of society" he said.
Gary has his driver's license,
owns two vehicles, has a
job and rents an apartment.